The only way to train the very best, is to use the very best instructors. That is why our instructors are law enforcement and military professionals. Our curriculum is constantly made up to date through our continued training in not only tactics but also criminal and civil laws and case law. Many of our instructors are still working police and soldiers. Chris just happened to retire, so we stuck him with keeping the business end of training.
Our curriculum is our largest operating expense. We actively seek out new training. We send our instructors to training from all over to determine if it is of value in combat, patrol, or in a gunfight. If it is, we add it to what we teach and pass it on to the rest of the men and women in the field and to our clients. We incorporate the new training into our courses, so we are constantly improving because we understand that if you stop training, you have stopped learning.
Chris Miller, Senior Instructor, Founder
Chris worked in Law Enforcement for twelve years before being injured in a gunfight in 2007 when he exchanged several rounds in a close quarters gunfight with a suspect. Chris continued to work for another three years until retiring in 2010 with full benefits due to his injuries received in the line of duty.
During his fifteen year career, Chris was a highly decorated Law Enforcement professional. He received multiple commendations from his supervisors, including a commendation from his sheriff crediting his training and valor in combat and his agency’s lifesaving award. Chris received commendations from other Law Enforcement agencies, organizations, and the public. He served as a vice president for the Oregon Tactical Officers Association and worked as an instructor at the Oregon basic SWAT school for several years. Chris helped in drafting his agency’s patrol procedure manual and served as the president of his agency’s labor organization.
Chris worked for the majority of his career as a field training officer, a firearms instructor, and the training officer for a multiple agency SWAT team. He is a certified instructor for firearms, including handgun, shotgun and patrol rifle, chemical munitions, SWAT tactics, building searching, patrol tactics, active shooter, patrol response to weapons of mass destruction, and patrol procedures.
He has attended the FBI Chemical Munitions Instructor Course, several advanced SWAT schools including the National Tactical Officers Association Active Shooter Instructor Course, and manufacturer courses on chemical munitions instruction. He has thousands of training hours documented with the Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training. He has attended numerous instructor level courses related to all aspects of firearms and use of force. He is certified by the NRA as a multi-discipline instructor. Chris dedicated his career to training Law Enforcement professionals and SWAT team members, and spent the majority of his career in a training role because that is his passion. Now he is able to continue training, and he is honored to be able to work with the very best, training the very best.
Chris Miller founded this company for two purposes: to provide the best possible training to law enforcement and military professionals and also to identify charismatic, ego free instructors who are passionate about teaching. To that end, Chris continues to provide opportunities to his police and military colleagues to obtain advanced training and take that training back to their agencies and units.
Jeff Hughes, Senior Instructor
Jeff Hughes has worked in Law Enforcement for over 25 years, beginning in the US Army where he served in a Law Enforcement posting, and as a sniper and entry team member on a Special Reaction Team. He worked as a plain clothes investigator, and operated as a member of several protective service details before honorably leaving the service and starting a civilian Law Enforcement career.
Since leaving the military, he has been teaching firearms and use of force, and has helped write firearms and training doctrine for several different Law Enforcement agencies. Jeff has served as a sniper and entry team member as well as a primary firearms instructor for a multi-agency SWAT team, and is a certified instructor for handgun, carbine, and sub-machinegun. He is an armorer for the M-16/AR-15 firearms platform, and has attended numerous firearms instructor, and tactical courses, in addition to basic SWAT school, the US Army Sniper school and the FBI advanced sniper school. He is certified by the NRA as a multi-discipline instructor. Jeff has also regularly competed in USPSA/IPSC pistol, and 3 gun competitions; and is still actively working as a Law Enforcement officer.
Jeff is an outstanding Law Enforcement professional, and we are very proud and honored to have him training with us at Logical Response Training. Chris Miller and Jeff Hughes worked together in Law Enforcement for ten years. They served on the same multi-agency SWAT team, and served together on a multi-agency firearms training team. Jeff and Chris have attended training together with other outstanding shooting instructors including Clint and Heidi Smith of Thunder Ranch and Ronnie and Suzy Frigulti of Police Training Consultants. We have worked together for many years, and we will continue to do so for our clients in the years to come.
Our Partners:
The information below is here for your benefit. We do not receive any advertising income from any of our partners. They are the businesses we have identified through our years of law enforcement training, who are committed to the quality training and advancement of law enforcement and citizen training in firearms. We placed their information here because they are the best at what they do, and they are very supportive of shooting sports, shooting skills, and our brothers and sisters in law enforcement.
We have partnered with our training site, Big Timber Rifle and Pistol Club, an outstanding facility located in Siletz, Oregon with a 500 meter rifle range, 25 yard pistol range and classroom on-site. This is a great bunch of people and a great facility. If you need a great place to shoot, check out their link above.
Another partner training site, Albany Pistol and Rifle Club is an amazing, nationally recognized facility. They have three classrooms, and multiple shooting bays, a trap bay, and an indoor rim-fire range. Check back for updates, and if you need a great place to shoot, check out their link above.